Tuesday, 7 October 2014

When reality hits

Hello, Outernet. If you're reading this now, I presume you were scrolling through some kind of social media. So, hey! It's a bit of a rough topic this week, but why not.

It's suddenly hit me that I have been unhappy with being in education from the age of 6, simply because of the people I had to share a classroom with. I was desperately unhappy from the age of 14 to up until a couple of months ago.

I am not an unintelligent person. I achieved good grades, I have a passion for learning, for science, music, English, even maths. This, however, made me a clear target for other students and even teachers. I was hyper, talked a lot and like to make people laugh. It sometimes got me into a bit of trouble

I remember my reception class and the half of Year 1 I spent down south. I had a lovely teacher and probably loved going to school. When my parents made the tough decision to move to Yorkshire, I started to grow up and meet different kinds of people. Kids didn't like that I had a different accent or that I could spell alright. I remember being held up against a gate by a boy in my class. Every break time, me and my friend would run away from him and hide behind the wall so he wouldn't pick on us.

I'm not saying that school was horrendous, but it was certainly an unpleasant experience. Secondary school was worse than primary, as I was constantly bullied. Even a younger friend who I helped fit in bullied me. I wanted to help her so she wouldn't go through what I did. Always the good guy, right?

I am here to say that school is crap. The kids picking on you are not jealous, and even if they are,  they're doing it to look better than you and get an ego boost. Guys/girls don't like the smart guys/girls. They go on who all their friends say is hot or popular. Homework won't earn you respect. Your teachers will mostly be arseholes. PE doesn't make you an instant athlete and is horrible at nine am, when it's lower than 5°. I could go on and on.

What I'm here to say is that it ends. College is amazing. I have never felt so comfortable around people and it rocks. The girl who was called 'Spaz' or thought as weird? I get graded on doing the thing I love and so will you. Bullies occur in everyday life, but you get to leave that behind. Just hang on!
I still have nights where I feel isolated and rubbish, but that's down to me. Life is GOOD, people. Learn to live it and give a big middle finger to those who have earned it.
Have an amazing week.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

The problem with society is...

To go head on (stop it), the problem with society is that EVERYONE complains about it, yet NO-ONE changes it. Now, I'm not expecting you snatch the cigarettes and White Lightening out of every 14 year old in a park, but there are things we can do.

For one thing, STOP SAYING 'NO'. 
With this one, it's pretty darn simple. By not saying no, I mean try and phrase it in a better way. It's been shown that when you say to someone, 'Don't touch the red button', their curiosity gets the better of them. They would rather disobey to find out the consequence. If you phrase it as, 'If you touch the red button, a spike will be automatically shoved up your bottom', you give the person the consequence with the thing they should not do. It can lower the chances of them disobeying, as they know what could happen if they do.
It will not stop the person 100% of the time, but it could, however, lower the chances.

This one really gets on my tits. When I walk to college in the morning, I see loads of rubbish, glass bottles and food in the bushes or dumped near the canal. Now, if your child drops a sweet wrapper and you do not realise, fair enough. But if you see them doing it and DON'T PICK IT UP, Satan will personally come from the depths of Hell and make you do it for them. Now, why would you want to mentally scar your child for not saving the environment, when you could save the environment easily enough without all the fuss?

Disappointment in the final result.
I never suffered with this from my parents or peers, but many people are put under the pressure of, 'If I don't get the best result, I am a failure.'.
As long as you try your best, that is all that matters. I know that, if you struggle with this perfectionism thing, you've heard this enough. I am, however, telling the truth. If you try super hard and know that you did your best, then what more can you do? So, you didn't get that A in maths. So you didn't pass your driving test first time. So you can't fit that entire slice of pizza in your mouth. You can keep trying and trying, and eventually you'll get there. Just DON'T GIVE UP!

Stop complaining if it really isn't essential.
This is one of the biggest problems in my books. Most people will find anything to complain about (hem) thinking nothing of what they are doing. Did you know that your whining could be detrimental? You constantly whinging and moaning about things that the victim you have cornered can do nothing about, is fricking awful. They can't change it. You have a problem? Do it yourself. Maybe spread the word in a more positive way. Stop cornering victims. Now.
Stop that.

I could go on for forever and forever, but I can't be bothered to waste any more of your time! Sorry this is late, College has been hella and I've had a lot of stuff to do. Have an amazing week, Outernet.

I've grown up a bit. Whoops.

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