I guess the main reason for me to write a blog today is that;
1) I'm ignoring work that I'm meant to do
2) I feel like leaving college is going to be the woRST DECISION OF MY LIFE
...Bit dramatic? Maybe so, but i'm seriously having some doubts about being out of education for over a year after the next 6 or so weeks. You see I'm having a gap year, which is meant to be nice break from the education system, you get to travel, hell yeah super exciting stuff! But I have a small feeling that I'm going to end up like this-

Whether it be me writing and producing my own music (which I am already doing, but a lot of stuff is either too cheesy or mainstream to even think about releasing) or writing a blog and what not, I feel like I'm going to end up as someone who sits at home, eats the cereal that fell into my bra a few days earlier and I will lose all my hair.
Don't get me wrong, university is an amazing opportunity to meet new people, network, get laid, get too drunk to function dn so forth; but I'm sulking because I decided to have a gap year and now I'm going to end up with no friends and a dependency on the internet stronger that Michael Mcintyre's dependency to run around stage and talk about household objects to sound remotely funny.
So whilst I'm working, paying for adult things (which is something I didn't really plan for, so I am feeling extremely poor at the moment) and being an all round recluse, my friends will be all like this-

and I will be like this-

whenever I get a letter about bills and having to open my curtains at least once a day.
But in all seriousness, I'm looking forward to a year to plan my life and hopefully actually decide what I want to do in the future.
Well, that's all my whinging done for the day, stay tuned for more updates of my seemingly boring life! :)
Stay updated with my life!
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