Tuesday, 23 September 2014

College Awkwardness

So, as from the title, I bet you can guess what I am going to be talking about!
Me and my friend Molly started college last week, and it went basically as we thought.

Everyone stood in the corner's and didn't talk to one another.

So, it was super fricking awkward, but what can you expect? 50 odd teens with the same interests don't know how to approach one another at the best of times. Suddenly, we're all thrown in a room forced to interact!? It's like we all produce a hormone which says 'stay away, creature'.

It wasn't so bad when lessons actually began, however. Yesterday was awesome, as I found out that I get to jam with other musicians for 2 and a half hours and get assessed on it. THAT IS NOT HARD WORK, THAT IS A FRICK FRACKING DREAM!
My advice to any students starting college/already there but don't know how to talk to people, remember that they all have the same ideas as you and are pretty cool dudes. The people I have met are so much more mature than the people at school, so acceptance isn't even a second thought. We're all adults. Also, we get to call lecturers by their names AND get to wear our own clothes!! *dribbles*

Anywho, have an amazing week, guys. I've uploaded a video as well, so check it out!

I have a YouTube Channel, so go and check it out!
YOUTUBE- {SnazzyJazzles}
INSTAGRAM- {@theonceuponatimer}
FACEBOOK-{Jasmine Page}

Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Electric hobs and Coffee

Hello, Outernet!

Lots of things have happened to me recently, so this is my first chance to actually put it down into words! For starters, I got my braces off. Never has there been a feeling recorded as high for when you can bite into an appple. I went ten months, people. TEN MONTHS.

Also. I dyed my hair again! Originally, I wanted it go go turquoise and purple, but my hair didn't lighten greatly. Therefore, I am now bright red and orange!

{I keep putting my head next to things and pretending to set them alight.}

The biggest news is that I have finally moved into my college halls!

Nothing major has happened yet, but I have learned that electric hobs are awful. They should burn (literally). They don't heat up quickly, so cooking dinner last night was a task and a half! I do like living with my friend, however. We get up to a lot of fun things, especially when testing out the gym.

Apart from filming a YouTube video (which should be up in the next week), eating lots of food and drinking coffee, we haven't done much today. If you want to keep up to date, then you should follow my Instagram, Twitter or subscribe to me on Youtube!

Sorry to keep it so brief, but have s good week, everyone!

I have a YouTube Channel, so go and check it out!
YOUTUBE- {SnazzyJazzles}
INSTAGRAM- {@theonceuponatimer}
FACEBOOK-{Jasmine Page}

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Your perception VS others

From the title, I'm guessing that you already know what I'm going to be talking about. If not... Google it!
All joking aside, here is the meaning-

  1. 1.
    the ability to see, hear, or become aware of something through the senses.

  2. 2.
    the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.

The type of perception that I am on about is the second one. Moreover, how people perceive themselves.

Many people on a daily basis look at someone and make a judgement. Before you all go, 'I don't make judgements, I'm all about equality and I accept everyone!', THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEAN. I mean, you might look at someone and think, 'I like that outfit' or 'I think they should style their hair differently'. That is a judgement. The word has such a bad connection to other things, that the minute in which you suggest it, everybody get's their hackles up. 

Another situation that most people go through, is having a bad perception of themselves. This could be physically or emotionally. Although you may see someone as being healthy, happy and an all round good person, they may hate the bits that you love about them. They might want to change their nose or the colour of their eyes, their leg shape or even their height. Usually, it is because people have told them that they need to look a different way to fit in.

What needs to be taught to children and adults is that what they have, they should be grateful for.
What REALLY needs to be taught is to accept people for their quirks, their attire, their heritage, their height, age, voice. Everything. Their entire person. But the real question is, would there be this problem with teaching children acceptance (even more so than we already are) if they already accepted themselves?

I know that I go on about this far too often, but it is a situation that I hold close to my heart. I don't think I see myself as a victim of bullying, or even a survivor. I see myself as a person who has been there. done that. If I can help, I will!

On a slightly more upbeat note, have a wonderful week and enjoy starting college, Freshmen!
Remember to spread the love and... Stuff.

I have a YouTube Channel, so go and check it out!
YOUTUBE- {SnazzyJazzles}
INSTAGRAM- {@theonceuponatimer}
FACEBOOK-{Jasmine Page}