Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Electric hobs and Coffee

Hello, Outernet!

Lots of things have happened to me recently, so this is my first chance to actually put it down into words! For starters, I got my braces off. Never has there been a feeling recorded as high for when you can bite into an appple. I went ten months, people. TEN MONTHS.

Also. I dyed my hair again! Originally, I wanted it go go turquoise and purple, but my hair didn't lighten greatly. Therefore, I am now bright red and orange!

{I keep putting my head next to things and pretending to set them alight.}

The biggest news is that I have finally moved into my college halls!

Nothing major has happened yet, but I have learned that electric hobs are awful. They should burn (literally). They don't heat up quickly, so cooking dinner last night was a task and a half! I do like living with my friend, however. We get up to a lot of fun things, especially when testing out the gym.

Apart from filming a YouTube video (which should be up in the next week), eating lots of food and drinking coffee, we haven't done much today. If you want to keep up to date, then you should follow my Instagram, Twitter or subscribe to me on Youtube!

Sorry to keep it so brief, but have s good week, everyone!

I have a YouTube Channel, so go and check it out!
YOUTUBE- {SnazzyJazzles}
INSTAGRAM- {@theonceuponatimer}
FACEBOOK-{Jasmine Page}

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