My main reason for focussing on expectations and then the stone cold reality of a situation, is because I feel like I am the only person who over thinks. This is to the point of, I was walking down the street the other day and I wondered what would happen if the old lady walking in the opposite direction to me bumped into me and then started to cuss and throw abuse. Then I wondered how I react, what I would say or do, if I would kick her in the shins and if I would then run away. Then it was, would I be caught, would my parents pick me up at the police station or if I'd be able to run away and start a new life as the opposite gender, going by the name of Franklin and work on my sculptures in Alaska to pass the years of being a fugitive. The reality of the situation was, she was a nice (probably) old woman who didn't care about her current surroundings because she had to get back to tend her garden and watch Loose Women. Call me a stereo-typer, but then tell me I'm wrong!
So, basically, I get myself raring to go and shout at people when I don't even know them. I can even imagine their voices and the facial expressions they'd pull, to their body language and what bad habits they may have. I can imagine people to be nail biters or whistlers and I could have only of met them for 3 seconds.
I like the fact that I can do this. If I have met other people who can do this (and believe me, it's bloody unlikely as I seem to appear to be absolutely insane without talking about this issue), they're usually creative and have the ability to write songs, create art or talk absolute bollocks to anyone for any time on end. If I allowed myself around people, I would say exactly what I was thinking and how I could take that thought further. It has been noticed that, however, when I do do this, I usually get told to shut up, asked what drugs I'm on or recorded for snapchat to be made a mockery of.
Too many times.
The positives of being able to over-think is like having a ball in your hand that appears to just be normal and circular, but if you cracked it open, it would expand almost instantly, colours and rainbows and LASERS TRYING TO ESCAPE AND BRIGHTEN UP THE ROOM, because there is so much kept inside that it HAS to be released! It's a constant pressure, the pure excitement of always having these ideas and things which would be outrageous and different just for the hell of it.
When you let someone use their power, they cannot control it sometimes. When you let a creative person be themselves, something fantastic or illegal could be created, but you'll never know if you don't allow them to.
Personally, the downsides of being an over-thinker can seem to outweigh the positives. Because, when you hit that down, when you over think and analyse everything that you should've done, you could've done, you really should not have done because it's so embarrassing and makes you want to curl up in a blanket of shame in the crisis corner with Netflix and a toblerone. It can get bad, it can get scary and it is really hard to talk to people if you cannot explain it, It's like trying to explain physics to a cat- the nod along and pretend to understand but at the end of the day they're doing the normal thing and just sitting there to let you rant on about something that, to them, could be a foreign language.
That was really not the best example...
But you catch my drift. Much scare. V think. Yeah.
I don't know where this is really leading to, but if you want to be a good creature then listen up:
If you ignore someone who is trying to give a good insight or crack jokes, has a funny idea and wants to let someone know- You suck.
Adding on that, if you shame someone for being really creative and being slightly odd- Then you doubly suck and I hope your favourite towel or bowl makes you turn into ice every time you touch it.
Triply adding, if you see someone who is down and they say that they feel stupid about what they're saying or they can't really explain it- They're not being attention seekers. If I had a pound for the amount of times I've had to say that because I literally cannot understand my own thoughts, then I'd have enough money to pay for a private shrink to sort it out for me.
I think I've bullied you enough for one week, so I'll leave you all be. Thanks for reading and I hope to update every Sunday now! See you later.
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