Thursday, 20 August 2015

Why books can be better than films


Okay, so I know that straight away this is a very sensitive subject amongst most. With books, you have three groups;

The 'the book is better than the film and no-one can sway my opinion on that because the films are shit and asdfCVXGSADVS'.

The 'why would anyone read the book when the tECHNOLOGY is in front of us??? We don't have to think too hard about what's happening because it's directly in front of us, books suck yeah!!'

and finally, the 'who gives a fuck' group.

I have many different opinions upon the matter, but I'm going to back my opinions up with logical explanations, hoping to possibly convince the people reading (hey, mum) that what I'm saying makes sense, and that I'm not a half witted gimboid who insists that basic statements with no back up to as to why they would work, are true.
Anyway, the short answer to 'Which is better?', could be a mixture of the first two groups. Sometimes the films are better, sometimes the books are better. Buckle up for some serious logic!

As I've noticed, whenever I read a book, I get the crazy idea that the film producer is going to stick exactly to the plot, character, scenes, etc, and believe that my perception of the book will be put out in front of me. In reality, that is completely impossible. You could get 100 people to read the same book, and each person will have a different idea on the voice of what the character may be, the interior design of a certain room, the body language and tone of voice someone may have, etc. That's because the author has to go into so much detail, so that you can stretch your imagination to its extreme and create these wonderful theories of this non-existent universe. Authors add in the tiny things you can't get from a film, they tell you when the character is stressed or bored, lying, feeling some internal anguish that you can only truly understand from reading about it or experiencing it yourself. It points out the sighs, coughs, cynical laughter from another character, and so on. Although you may not have been through the characters pain/happiness personally, you can get so wrapped up in this persons universe that you begin to experience it yourself. You become the character.

I've noticed, however, that sometimes films can be superior or on the same level of a book. I've noticed that The Hunger Games is extremely like the book, which is pleasing but also annoying when you know exactly what is going to happen next!
The best films I've seen, are those that do not have books. This is purely because, it doesn't have something previous to it that goes into further detail, it doesn't have anything for the watcher to rely on to understand how the characters felt/acted. These types of films cover and go into full depth about their characters and usually have fantastic plots and/or narration throughout,

Anyway, that's my rambling done for now. At the end of the day, who gives a fuck?

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