Tuesday, 16 April 2019

Why I'm not aiming to graduate with a first.

We've all been there.

Looking at our assignment brief, the panic. The sweat. The binge eating Ben and Jerry's in our jammies whilst watching Netflix and hoping to GOD that someone release's the zombie virus we all know the government is hiding from us (looking at you, Ms May) so that we have a reason to not fail, that isn't of our own doing.


What if I told you that a first doesn't actually mean shit and you can double your productivity if you stop worrying about it?

Listen kids, it's as easy as this; worrying makes you procrastinate. It makes you feel like you could shit out of every orifice at once and honestly, not living for it. So, just fucking chill out.

Want to know how? Use my three easy motivational quotes:

1) Uni ain't shit.
2) Your mental health is more important than fantastic grades.

I'm not giving you a reason to slack off and not try. I'm not saying bunk off uni all the time, drink too much so you're always hungover and do your essay the night before it's due in. I'm saying, that if you try your absolute best and that's a 3rd, YOU STILL DID YOUR BEST.

I used to beat myself up all the time about my grades, to the point of near hospitalisation from my deteriorating mental health (but at least I got all firsts right???? Wrong. Oh my god, so wrong). I used to be jealous of my fellow students who were naturally academic and could boss out an amazing essay in two hours and get a first. I felt like I didn't deserve my place at university and that I would disappoint my parents if I didn't thrive academically. But at the end of the day, I know that I always do my best with every assignment and try my hardest. I work my ass off (that's why it's flat!) in a healthy manner, give myself time to plan, accept extensions and, well, it's the best my mental health has been.

And if I graduate with a 2:2, then that's the cards I've been dealt. I know how hard I worked and my grade does not reflect that... Nor my worth.

Moral of the story? Work hard without burning out. You'll feel a lot better when you take the pressure off yourself.

If you enjoyed my bullshit ramblings, please leave a comment!

Instagram- @jaymusicofficiall
Twitter- @jaymusicoffici1

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