Monday, 23 March 2020

Staying sane in a crisis

Unless you've been living under a rock, I can gather that you're aware of the pandemic inching its way around the world and slowly, day by day, seizing our toilet paper and our will to live. Covid-19 has definitely become more famous than any Kardashian, and probably being spoken about more as well (which blows my tiny little mind).

Throughout this time you would imagine that people would be banding together (whilst being 6ft apart) and supporting one another the most they can. Referring to how the supermarkets look, you can gather that this is not the case.
These times are not only worrying for our health or our economy, but terrifying for someone such as myself who has a bundle of mental health problems (topped with the shiny cherry of Autism) and knowing that there's nothing to do to control the situation.

I know for myself, I've been having daily panic attacks, sheer depression and have eaten approximately 200 Reese's peanut butter cups. All I can panic about it my education (or lack there of), my partner who's struggling, my family and my friends who are all being effected by this time. So fuck it, what can I, and you do, to take the pressure off and take control?

Now from the title I can imagine loads of people thinking from the off that, during this crisis, it's a good excuse for me to be lazy. And yeah, you're right. To an extent.

I cannot control the pandemic or stopping my friends and family from getting ill, but I CAN control what I do and how I react to it. Because at the end of the day, I can't be normal because life isn't normal any more. So my first thought was, 'How can I relieve this stress?'.

First step- sack off uni (kind of)

I've decided to take a step back from university and my work towards it currently because the thought of writing about Beyonce's Lemonade during this time seems completely and utterly useless towards my wellbeing. I know that routine is crucial during a time of uncertainty so I'm replacing my work with something that actually brings me joy: MUSIC ITSELF.
I'm listening to my favourite artists, I plan to record music during this time, write more, experience more. Creating is what makes me happiest so honestly, giving myself the relief from University has taken a massive strain off of my life because I know that no matter what type of degree I get or the score I achieve, there's no point aiming towards it if my mental health is in tatters. So, I plan to continue my career and creativity and use this time to nurture my mind and my soul.

Second step- staying lean in quarantine

I have fibromyalgia and HMS which means that if I'm not mobile, I'm in a hell of a lot of pain. I'm not lucky because in a sense I have to be careful about what I eat to not gain too much weight otherwise my joints dislocate.
I am lucky, however, having workout equipment at home to utilise so that I'm not in too much pain. But there's no stopping anyone else from googling workouts to keep their mind and body intact. Meditation, yoga, pilates etc may seem silly but I promise you, your body and brain will thank you for it.
Despite the fact I've had a past eating disorder and this would be the perfect time to control my food, I know that starving my body wont fix this situation, so staying healthy is the main thing to stop insanity. I urge everyone to do the same.

Third step- schedules

I'm a sucker for a schedule to keep me sane, so I'm aiming to wake up every day the same time and write a list of things I want to achieve. I'll pack my days out and just have fun with spending time alone, audio books, knitting, anything; The last thing I want to do is just be sat on my phone and allowing myself to wallow.

The main thing throughout this is to remember that it's not forever and everything will be okay eventually. But don't forget to share kindness, smiles, and stay safe; physically and mentally.

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